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Karen Phillip is a Counselling Psychotherapist; Clinical Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, and Parenting and Relationship Expert on television, radio and print media both here and overseas. She is an International Author and Key Note Speaker.

Karen Phillip is one of the rare Family Futurists. With years of experience and seeing the change in family and individuals over many decades, she is now writing and speaking about the variation we can expect in the way family communicates, the type of life we can expect for our children as society changes and technology explodes. This will affect us all.

Get Karen’s Relationship book FREE, limited time (P+H) Click Here 

Karen’s new book Communication Harmony recently released. Reaching No. 1 on the Best Seller list this innovative book discusses 3 powerful secret words to eliminate all drama and conflcit from every conversation.

Communication Harmony


  • anxiety free

Reducing the Impact of Anxiety Fast

How would you like to reduce your anxiety fast? Anxiety refers to the physical and or mental response to the sensations of feeling under pressure, overwhelmed, or fearful of circumstances that are yet to occur, [...]

  • Communication Harmony

The Art of Conversational Success

Communication Harmony hits the bestseller list. It's a brilliant book on the Art of Conversational Success Many training colleges now use the Communication Harmony book as part of their teaching texts for therapists, teaching the [...]

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I purchased OMG We’re Getting Married for my daughter. I didn’t want her to make the same mistakes I did with her dad. I learnt so much and feel more at ease that she read and understands so much more about marriage now, fabulous read, such important information for anyone in a relationship.
Janise - New York, USA
I can highly recommend this Parenting book ‘Who Runs Your House’ to every parent. My house, life & kids were out of control, After reading the book I have direction, confidence and now the ability to parent strongly with great boundary setting that works so easily.
Julie – Melbourne, Australia
I wanted to do everything I could to prepare myself for my marriage as mum & dad’s relationship was not good. I feel prepared and happy now, so interesting to read all the issues that will come up like career, household division of tasks, kids and dealing with your in-laws. Highly recommend Dr KAren’s book, was brilliant.
Angela - Sydney, Australia
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Who Runs Your House was so easy to read and understand. My kids are happier, my husband and I are happier, our life is happier. So grateful, thank you.
Amanda – Muswellbrook, NSW

It is so nice to read a book about parenting, written by a parent who knows and understands all the emotions and problems we experience. The tips are easy to follow and work incredibly well. Great book, highly recommended.

Lisa – Sydney NSW

As a first-time mum with an overactive 3 year old, I was lost. My son’s behaviour was exhausting. I was fighting with my little boy every day. After reading all the advice my home is now a much quieter and happier place and I feel like I have some parent power back. I recommend this book to every parent.

Natasha Adams – Newcastle, NSW
Oh my god, this is Parenting book is my new bible. It is brilliant, you must buy it if you are a parent, it needs to be mandatory for every parent. Buy it!!
Melissa – California, USA

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