Why do Men really Cheat?

By |2016-05-24T18:29:25+00:00May 24th, 2016|Relationships|

What is the Reason Men Cheat? Research tells us that 54% of men and 46% of women cheat, or have an affair, on their partner. Many find this interesting. The problem with this statistic is it has failed to ask the correct questions, therefore, no presenting correct results. From my 15 years’ therapeutic experience there is, of course, many men and women who cheat, however, the majority are men. The difference [...]

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Is Homework a Dirty Word?

By |2016-05-22T12:31:04+00:00May 22nd, 2016|Parenting|

Should All Homework be Banned? Many parents complain when their child arrives home with homework to complete. I hear parents indicating that education should be taught at school they have no time to participate in homework activities with their child their child is too busy with after school activities to attend to more academic tasks after school the school is to educate their child academically And the excuses continue. Let [...]

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The Voice winner Anja Nissen talks life and love with Dr Karen Phillip

By |2016-05-18T11:41:02+00:00May 18th, 2016|Relationships|

May 19th 2016, Sydney Australia: For Immediate Release. By Bronwyn Cox; Dead Horse Branding. It would be easy to look at The Voice Australia season 3 winner, Anja Nissen, and think her life must be perfect. But you’d be wrong. Like the rest of us, Anja has to navigate relationships, her career and other life challenges, and she opens up about her experiences in a frank new conversation [...]

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Can Stress Benefit Kids

By |2016-05-11T20:34:54+00:00May 11th, 2016|Parenting|

Not all stress is bad for children. A certain level of stress can teach our children resilience. Stress is part of life, often everyday life. Our body can react under stress from having to get ready for the school bus, fear of running late and getting into trouble for something, worried about standing in front of the class to present your project, or being concerned if you are going to swim [...]

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Overworked Women is not new

By |2016-05-08T11:46:37+00:00May 8th, 2016|Lifestyle, Relationships|

I was told recently of a new study stating that women did 70% more unpaid work in the home than the male partner.  What a revelation; if anyone didn’t already know that. I question the money wasted on such an obvious statement. This ‘study’ also apparently revealed the reasons why. It indicated that the male child was unable to empty a dishwasher until 11 years old, vacuum until 15 years [...]

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Conscious Un-coupling

By |2016-05-03T20:30:47+00:00May 3rd, 2016|Relationships|

Leaving Your Relationship the right way There can be a hundred reasons to leave your relationship and the absolute best way is when both partners decide their relationship is ending and both make a conscious decision to un-couple. The eight most common reasons people choose to separate from their current partner can include: Trust has been broken Interests are so wide apart the partners have less in common than more [...]

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