The Joy, or Irritation, of Family Christmas

By |2017-12-02T17:15:05+00:00December 2nd, 2017|Relationships|

Christmas is coming again. We reassess last years get together, hope it is repeated if it was joyful or perhaps wishing those previous issues can be avoided. We want to be excited and happy; we want to relax and enjoy, but with so many expectations upon us, presents to purchase, credit card at its limit and family members to visit; it is getting exceedingly hard. I just want to stop, [...]

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Dr. Karen Phillip Appears on The Ben Fordham Drive Show on 2GB Sydney

By |2016-08-25T03:06:56+00:00August 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Dr. Karen Phillip, Australia's leading Lifestyle Expert, comments in regards to the recent study done by Washington University on how holidays can kill marriages. Listen to Dr. Karen's take on the study and her advice on how to avoid these breakups. LISTEN NOW!

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