How Narcissists use ‘Mind Control’ in Relationships 

By |2022-06-02T02:20:02+00:00May 17th, 2022|Relationships|

Research has revealed that our brains are affected by those around us. Narcissistic mind control is most conspicuous when one person in the relationship makes the decisions and gets their needs met more often than their partner. When partners interact with each other, their brain activity becomes synchronised. The longevity and intensity of your relationship can affect the degree of synchronicity and influence one partner has over the other. Brain [...]

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The Secret to Happier Relationships

By |2021-01-02T05:22:50+00:00January 2nd, 2021|Relationships|

Over 170 relationship studies were investigated, and findings suggest that nurturing this characteristic may be the secret to a happier relationship. We all seek to know the secret to a happy and healthy relationship. Healthy relationships support psychological well-being, physical health and help create happiness and purpose in each of us. Knowing what changes, you can make can help improve your relationship regardless of how good or bad it currently [...]

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Psychological Inflexibility is the Reason Why Relationships Fail

By |2020-12-11T04:29:19+00:00December 11th, 2020|Relationships|

We complain, we become hurt, yet we still don't understand the psychology behind why our relationships fail. We have all likely read how to make a relationship work. Trust, attention, quality time spent together, consideration and respect. Is it so hard to be all these things for the person you say you so love? Why then do so many relationships fail and are there a set of standard failure reasons? [...]

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Surviving the Challenge of Isolation with your Partner

By |2020-08-22T07:03:30+00:00August 22nd, 2020|Relationships|

Surviving the Challenge of Isolation with your Partner With many of us now working from home and spending more time at home due to the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve had to adjust to a new way of living. As we’re facing a prolonged period of social distancing and self-isolation, it seems we’re now spending every waking hour with our partner. A lot of couples are now doing everything together – living, sleeping, working, eating and [...]

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Isolation, Turning an Issue into an Opportunity

By |2020-03-24T21:01:01+00:00March 24th, 2020|Relationships|

Turning an issue into an opportunity. Self-isolating with just your partner may seem daunting, but experts say it could be a win for your relationship. Article I consulted on FaceTime, comedy and space: How to save your relationship in quarantine by Penny Burfitt The thought of spending two weeks in isolation or locked in your home with a significant other tends to have one of two effects on couples. Either, they experience a [...]

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Seniors Embrace Online Dating

By |2019-09-23T06:14:50+00:00September 23rd, 2019|Relationships|

Australian seniors who find themselves single are certainly not giving up on love and are turning to online dating with the support of their families, according to a new study released today by the Australian Seniors Insurance Agency. Although traditional routes to finding love are still popular, more seniors are open to a digital dating approach. While navigating through the dating world, the majority of seniors say they prefer to [...]

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The Parallel Emotions of Men and Women

By |2019-08-09T01:50:20+00:00August 9th, 2019|Relationships|

Men have similar emotions to women; they just display them differently. Most of us were raised in a family where it was accepted that girls were a little softer and boys somewhat stronger and more robust. This is the way we learned how to display what we felt. Girls may become emotional, cry and talk incessantly about what was happening and how they felt. Boys would often keep it within, fearful [...]

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Co-parenting tips for separating parents

By |2019-07-10T03:59:37+00:00July 10th, 2019|Parenting, Relationships|

With close to 50% of marriages ending in divorce and defacto relationships failing at a higher rate. Divorce can be a tough time for not only the couple but also the children. We know children are resilient; however, we are also more aware of the escalating anxiety issues children are displaying. How then can we ensure they cope better? Kids know when things are not going well. They can feel [...]

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Are Women their Own Worst Enemies

By |2019-06-26T09:41:28+00:00June 26th, 2019|Parenting, Relationships|

The comment goes "Oh, you are so lucky he helps out in the house, cooking and the kids". I hear this comment and cringe to my core. If he was a woman, would we applaud her for doing housework, cooking, cleaning or helping with her children? Of course not. Why? Because this is the expectation for every woman. Even today, with most women working full or part-time, women continue to [...]

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Pink Thinks Couples Benefit from Counselling

By |2019-05-05T05:21:38+00:00May 5th, 2019|Relationships|

Pink recently disclosed that she and her husband have been attending relationship counselling for the past 17 years of their relationship and marriage. She puts their incredible close and connected relationship down to ongoing couple counselling. Relationship, or Couple, Counselling isn’t always about just helping to resolve issues. It is often about ensuring you are checking in with your partner about a range of things many of us don’t think [...]

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Romantic Relationships Affect Your Sleep

By |2019-04-09T06:55:09+00:00February 10th, 2019|Relationships|

Did you know your romantic relationships can affect your sleep? One of the most common emotions that can affect your sleep patterns is anxiety from either your current or past relationship. A previous bad relationship can leave you with stress even though you may have ‘moved on’. Even after you and a partner have decided to part ways, you may still be dealing with pent-up feelings from the relationship. Because we are [...]

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Divorce after turning 50

By |2018-11-13T13:44:33+00:00November 13th, 2018|Relationships|

While numbers of divorce are high, the divorce rate for over 50 continues to increase. Divorce later in life is different than in your 20’s, 30’s or 40’s. You have known this person for over half of your life, have set up home, assets, family, maybe even set up a business to Divorce after 50. You have a considerable history together and most all friends are yours together. Memories and [...]

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