When you read this, some may view worth as money while others to self-worth.

It depends where you are placed or how you feel within your life and relationship, and where your mind is currently positioned. Worth can, in fact, relate to both self and money.

Worth is defined as the value of the item, or as sufficiently good or important as someone deserves.

Who then places the value on us?

At work, we are paid to do a specific job and receive a specific amount of remuneration. This, of course, varies if you are on a salary, a retainer or bonus system designed for us to work smarter or harder. We can train and study, move employment or commence our own business. We have a number of options to improve our financial position.

Self-worth is different. While sometimes others can indicate what they feel or believe we are worth by the words or actions; it comes down to our own self-belief. However, often our self-belief is connected to what we have been told by others over time or how we have been treated. We develop an inner belief following others treatment or language expressions that have been directed to us. The behaviour and expressions of others can impact us regardless if heard over time or only once.

If we are involved in conflict, arguments, harsh or demeaning words and criticism, our self-belief and feelings of worth can diminish significantly and quickly. This can create an inner feeling of lower value.

How then can we break away from this conduct and start to rebuild our self-worth?

This is what I have covered in my latest book Communication Harmony. This book re-empowers you. It teaches how to understand another person, the reason they do and say as they do and how to take charge, rearrange conversations and negate any conflict or harsh language directed toward you. It enables you to be the persuader in conversations rather than just the recipient.

It teaches how to negate harsh or unkind treatment and words before enabling you to guide the conversation to a more positive outcome whilst protecting yourself and your self-worth. In fact, you build your self-worth using the strategies supplied.

Imagine how amazing it will feel to eliminate conflict with predictability and consistency, as you develop Xray intelligence you have never had before. Imagine being able to repel time-wasting or harsh comments so they have no effect.

I am sure you do your best, treat others with kindness, dignity and care. You deserve that as well, especially at home, within your relationship and also at work, because you are worth it.

Learn now how to ingeniously influence others to speak and behave in a kinder, less conflictual manner.  You can achieve this as you learn the skills of persuasion, to create change they don’t even realise is occurring. Surely it is your time now to be treated with the worth you deserve.

Get your copy now, select link to be taken to your countries Amazon page.

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