When Would You Step In

By |2016-09-30T05:46:18+00:00September 30th, 2016|Parenting|

When is Discipline Abuse? There was a recent picture that went viral on social media showing a frustrated father dragging his 6-year-old daughter around the supermarket by her hair as he held onto his shopping trolley. A fellow female customer apparently challenged the father to release the grip on his daughter. He told her it was none of her business and he would discipline his daughter as he the parent [...]

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Am I marrying the perfect partner for me?

By |2016-09-04T18:00:30+00:00September 4th, 2016|Relationships|

There is a difference between getting cold feet and feeling doubtful of this major marriage decision. If your concerns are about your compatibility and understanding of your future spouse, you should take this seriously. Cold feet consist of being fearful of the day's events. Scared of things not going on the day, weather concerns, and so on. Cold feet is nothing about concern for the actual marriage to your chosen [...]

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