Should we Insist our Children Hug the Relatives this Christmas?

By |2021-12-06T23:08:15+00:00December 6th, 2021|Parenting|

Should we insist our children hug the relatives this Christmas? This festive season is unlike any other. Due to COVID, many of our kids have not seen their extended family and relatives for many months, even years. Of course, the relatives, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins are genuinely excited to see, hug, and hold their little family member. Insisting they hug them when first seeing them? The Right of the Child [...]

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The Scientific Reason for Child Tantrums

By |2020-10-25T06:49:39+00:00October 25th, 2020|Parenting|

There is a Scientific reason for child tantrums? Imagine, your child, or any little one, frustrated, yelling, screaming, dropping to the floor and roll around thrashing their arms, often kicking or hitting if you come close to help calm or stop the tantrum. There is a scientific reason for the child's tantrum.  Nothing works, your child continues to tantrum, perhaps even escalating when you try to calm them or intervene. [...]

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Allay Your Child’s Concerns about COVID-19

By |2020-03-19T05:54:37+00:00March 16th, 2020|Parenting|

Allaying your child's concerns about COVID-19. The Essential Tips to ensure your child feels Safe and Secure during this worrying time. Ask questions to the age level of your child Ask younger children, "Have you heard the news about a new coronavirus that's going around?" This allows you to learn how what your child knows and understands. Older children can be asked, "Are kids and teachers at school talking about [...]

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How Innocent Comments Can Harm Your Child

By |2020-01-12T03:46:56+00:00January 16th, 2020|Parenting|

Saying things in earshot of your toddler can be harmful. Any unfavourable comment regarding a child’s actions or behaviour can embed this as being correct in your child's mind. A child is only learning who they are, what they can do, how good or bad they are, and if they are loved and accepted unconditionally. All these feelings accelerate and embed between ages two to five. Most parents all want [...]

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Radical Toddlers

By |2020-01-15T23:09:58+00:00January 12th, 2020|Parenting|

When our baby enters the toddler word, things radically change. Parents believe their now two to three-year-old child is capable of informed decisions. They are not. Two to three-year-old children are now acting more independently and talking to us reasonably well, using the toilet and eating independently; however, their brain on about 6 – 8% matured. We often hear stories that parents are struggling with their child at home while [...]

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Family Meals Matter More Than You Realise

By |2019-08-30T05:54:26+00:00August 30th, 2019|Parenting|

It seems more challenging these days with our ridiculously busy lives to have the opportunity to eat a family meal together. What if you knew the essential reasons to ensure this occurs. Finding the time isn't always easy. The family dinner doesn't just allow us all to be present and together and fill our stomach, it provides the opportunity to talk, share, laugh and check-in; it nurtures our family spirit, [...]

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Co-parenting tips for separating parents

By |2019-07-10T03:59:37+00:00July 10th, 2019|Parenting, Relationships|

With close to 50% of marriages ending in divorce and defacto relationships failing at a higher rate. Divorce can be a tough time for not only the couple but also the children. We know children are resilient; however, we are also more aware of the escalating anxiety issues children are displaying. How then can we ensure they cope better? Kids know when things are not going well. They can feel [...]

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Are Women their Own Worst Enemies

By |2019-06-26T09:41:28+00:00June 26th, 2019|Parenting, Relationships|

The comment goes "Oh, you are so lucky he helps out in the house, cooking and the kids". I hear this comment and cringe to my core. If he was a woman, would we applaud her for doing housework, cooking, cleaning or helping with her children? Of course not. Why? Because this is the expectation for every woman. Even today, with most women working full or part-time, women continue to [...]

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Arguing Parents can Jeopardise the Kids

By |2019-05-15T09:01:45+00:00May 15th, 2019|Parenting|

Statistics tell us that after the birth of a child marriages are at more risk to fail. Parents of a new baby often push their relationship to the background, because all attention is focused on their new bundle of joy. This with added stress and exhaustion a new baby brings places parents more prone to conflict. We often find arguments then start to become habitual. Months, or even years of [...]

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9 Essential Steps when your child loses someone special

By |2018-11-23T10:31:14+00:00November 23rd, 2018|Parenting|

Death is a devastating part of human experience. Talking to your children about the death of a loved one is challenging. How do we tell them, what should we say are all questions most of us struggle with? There are certain guidelines that if we follow it will help not only our children to process and cope with the news, but can also help parents manage their emotions as well. [...]

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