Parental Obesity Linked to Inhibit Child Development

By |2017-01-09T14:15:38+00:00January 9th, 2017|Parenting|

Findings from the American National Institute of Health, indicate children of obese parents may be at risk for developmental delays. It is reported that children of obese mothers were more prone to fail tests in fine motor skill development, the skill to control movement of small muscles. Children of obese fathers were more likely to fail in social competence. Children born to extremely obese parents tended to fail tests in [...]

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Parental End of Year Burn-out

By |2016-11-26T17:55:28+00:00November 26th, 2016|Parenting|

How do we all avoid that Parental End of Year Burn-out? Towards the end of the year parents can experience a type of burn-out. No doubt the year has been busy, so much running around with the kids, running the home, looking after others, working, and the list continues. By year end we want to stop and have a break yet Christmas is upon us, so more work is needed [...]

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Are we child Un-friendly?

By |2016-11-10T12:42:25+00:00November 10th, 2016|Lifestyle, Parenting|

A recent story indicated we here in Australia are becoming child un-friendly. It indicated we are becoming more intolerant of children on planes, buses, restaurants, shopping centres. Really? All of us were once a child, many of us have children, some still young and others grown. This story, or statement is interesting. Why is this even being discussed? After all, children always have been and always will be everywhere. They [...]

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Dealing with Dreamworld tragedy

By |2016-10-26T14:19:38+00:00October 26th, 2016|Lifestyle, Parenting|

How do we manage our children’s concerns, anxiety and fears after the horrific story this week of the Dreamworld tragedy? This story came coming into our lounge room and was on every news feed, channel and radio outlet. There was no escape, we all heard and we all know about this dreadfully sad tragedy. We are all affected, saddened and distressed. Our hearts are with the families who have lost [...]

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When Would You Step In

By |2016-09-30T05:46:18+00:00September 30th, 2016|Parenting|

When is Discipline Abuse? There was a recent picture that went viral on social media showing a frustrated father dragging his 6-year-old daughter around the supermarket by her hair as he held onto his shopping trolley. A fellow female customer apparently challenged the father to release the grip on his daughter. He told her it was none of her business and he would discipline his daughter as he the parent [...]

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Bullied to Death

By |2016-08-14T14:34:57+00:00August 14th, 2016|Lifestyle, Parenting|

What is happening to our kids when they feel the only escape from bullying they have, is death? The recent story of schoolboy Daniel Fitzpatrick committing suicide at the age of only 13 years is appalling. Bullying has been around forever and unfortunately, will continue. What then can parents do to help protect their children? What can children learn on how to manage this wrath that so often affect them. [...]

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Is Dad Guilt Real?

By |2016-07-24T18:03:43+00:00July 24th, 2016|Parenting|

Does a Dad experience Dad-Guilt similar to Mum-Guilt? Mums are well known for experiencing ‘mum guilt’, but do we have a monopoly on guilt or do dads feel ‘dad guilt’? We are finding more dad’s do experience dad guilt. This is often due to the fact they are unable to spend the quality time with their children due to either work or separation. Dad’s can also feel a sense of [...]

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Travel with Kids

By |2016-07-19T19:06:37+00:00July 19th, 2016|Parenting|

SURVIVING TRAVEL WITH KIDS With most of us now ready to enjoy that school holiday time away, we pack our cars, load up the kids and hit the road. While we look forward to that relaxing vacation, travelling to our holiday destination can leave us stressed and ready to cancel the trip before we arrive. Long journeys by car, with kids that are bored and often fighting in the back [...]

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When Your Child Wishes their Sibling Didn’t Exist

By |2016-07-13T17:42:55+00:00July 13th, 2016|Lifestyle, Parenting|

What can a parent do when one of your children wishes their sibling didn't exist It can be extremely confronting for a parent to hear their child so dislikes their sibling. Parents feel love for all their children and simply want them all to get along and hopefully like each other. When one child really seems to dislike their sibling to the point they wished they were never born how then [...]

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Disney Princess Debacle

By |2016-07-05T03:56:52+00:00July 5th, 2016|Parenting|

Why are we having this Disney Discussion? Over the past few weeks, we have been subjected to considerable negativity on girls identifying as a Disney Princess and how dangerous this is for them. They are saying it makes girls stereotypical, makes them steer away from math and science, expects them to want to be beautiful and have a prince sweep them off their feet. Welcome to female. Every girl and [...]

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Help Kids Deal with Disaster

By |2016-06-15T10:37:03+00:00June 15th, 2016|Lifestyle, Parenting|

How can we help our kids deal with these horrific disasters that are becoming far too common. With the continued horrific new stories coming into our lounge rooms almost monthly, if not more, how do we manage our children’s concerns, anxiety and fears. Children under the age of 6 years should not be privy to any news stories and parents need to ensure they are protected by any atrocity occurring [...]

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