Are Relationships in Business as Essential as Experts Say?

By |2022-06-02T02:31:26+00:00December 21st, 2021|Lifestyle|

A recent article in BusinessToday stated that relationships are the most important thing in business. We have likely heard this previously, but what exactly does this mean – relationships in business? Does that mean hard work, profits, and customers are less important than our business relationships? Within any business, we usually have staff, customers, and suppliers. Healthy relationships are needed to have a functional and profitable business and continued business [...]

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How do we journey through loss, grief and anxiety?

By |2021-08-25T03:03:54+00:00August 25th, 2021|Lifestyle|

When we suffer loss or grief, that can lead to anxiety or defeat, how can we manage to come through it as best we can. The point here is we can come through it, even though at times we feel we never will.  We human beings are incredibly resilient; we sometimes forget that as we can become so engrossed in the problem we currently face while sometimes feeling we can [...]

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Create a Thriving Workplace

By |2021-02-27T01:29:34+00:00February 27th, 2021|Lifestyle|

Workplace wellness is a great way to encourage healthy living among employees to create a thriving workplace environment. We know the healthier and happier our employees are, the more productive they are. They also take far less stress and sick leave, leaving the workplace functioning at the optimal level. Encouraging or even challenging staff to be healthier in mind and body can be contagious as staff see work colleagues benefit [...]

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Strategies for Managing those Panic Attacks

By |2021-01-22T04:13:59+00:00January 22nd, 2021|Lifestyle|

What are the Strategies for Managing those Panic Attacks? Learn what a Panic Attack actually is and how to control or eliminate them. It is crucial you understand what is happening in your body when you feel anxious and start to enter into a panic. These panic attacks commence due to a feeling of anxiety. Anxiety is a normal feeling within all humans as it helps us focus on a specific [...]

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How to Sustain and Improve your Happiness and Immunity

By |2020-11-28T23:46:19+00:00November 28th, 2020|Lifestyle|

Download these 4 Hormones every day to increase and sustain your feelings of happiness. These hormones also considerably improve your immunity. Four hormones can determine your happiness Endorphins, Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin. It is essential we understand these hormones, as we need all four of them to stay happy. Getting them each day greatly improves our life, immunity and level of happiness. Endorphins When we exercise, the body releases Endorphins. This [...]

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Real Impact on Workers, COVID, Fires…

By |2020-04-27T22:51:28+00:00April 27th, 2020|Lifestyle|

There is a real impact on workers during this time, from fires to COVID, the strain is showing... A new report from The Wellbeing Lab and Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) reveals the real impact of recent tragedies including the fires and COVID, on workers need for HR’s support.  Over 80% of workers interviewed indicate their mental health issues have increased in the months covering the bushfires and the onset [...]

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Personal Impact of COVID-19

By |2020-03-30T23:23:27+00:00March 30th, 2020|Lifestyle|

As COVID-19 outbreak continues to have an impact on us all globally, the personal impact on maintaining psychological and mental health in an uncertain crisis can be difficult. Social isolation is becoming our new normal with many of us working from home and using 'stay home' measures. This evolving and escalating situation can considerably increase personal stress. There is an element of unknown and fear. In these circumstances, it is [...]

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Coping with COVID-19

By |2020-03-23T23:47:28+00:00March 23rd, 2020|Lifestyle|

Accept that things will be different for a while. It is normal to have a range of feelings: you may feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or even angry. There are things you can do to help yourself feel better. Talking to people you trust can help. Set up regular check-ins with friends and family, especially if you are self-isolating. Phone or video chatting is ideal. Maintain as healthy a lifestyle as [...]

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Higher Anxiety from Lower Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables

By |2020-03-16T05:36:32+00:00March 16th, 2020|Lifestyle|

New research shows that adults who have lower consumption of fruits and vegetables have a higher probability of being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. This finding helps to explain the discovery of a connection between body composition and anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders include social anxiety; generalised anxiety in which a person feels anxious on most days, worrying about lots of different things, for a period of six months or more; [...]

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Pet or Partner?

By |2020-01-29T06:20:49+00:00January 29th, 2020|Lifestyle|

With so many people struggling to retain quality relationships, is it any wonder the majority of us are turning to a furry friend to fill the void of love? I work with many couples struggling through relationship and communication issues and while my new book Communication Harmony can fix most of the issues, I wonder the reason so many are moving toward single status preferring the love of their beloved [...]

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Boredom Can Kill Us

By |2019-11-04T01:02:02+00:00November 4th, 2019|Lifestyle|

We know boredom (idleness) is detrimental to our mental and physical health. But what is the difference between boredom and merely choosing to do nothing or just chill out? Being bored or idle is defined as feeling energetic but with nowhere to direct your energy. It may occur when you feel uncomfortable dealing with your thoughts or feelings, feeling unsatisfied by an activity, or uninterested in it. Boredom is an [...]

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