He did this on Valentine’s Day

By |2018-02-10T16:06:07+00:00February 10th, 2018|Relationships|

Valentine's Day is regarded as one of the most romantic days of the year. It is the day we express our love and desire to that special person. Valentine's Day is also the day that Men have the opportunity to demonstrate to their partner how romantic they are by showering her with love, gifts, and lavish amounts of poetic words. It is now also a day the woman can do [...]

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5 Tips to Connect, so He Responds

By |2018-01-29T17:45:02+00:00January 29th, 2018|Relationships|

Want to make sure he connects and responds to you? You really like him, he may have noticed you, but has not been captivated by you, yet. These are 5 ways to make sure he does notice you, becomes enchanted by you and desires to get to know you more. You can create his captivation by following these tips: Smile A smile is a warm way of telling a perspective [...]

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Separation and Divorce Means Wealth

By |2018-01-24T22:03:01+00:00January 24th, 2018|Relationships|

Separation and Divorce means wealth, not for you, but for the solicitors profiting off your distress. When a couple separate, one of the first things they should do is visit a Family Mediator. These trained Mediators assist couples with their De Facto or Marriage Separation Agreement, Parenting Plan and Property division after a legal separation or divorce. A Parenting Plan is a residence agreement, organised by the parents, usually in [...]

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New Year Love Resolution

By |2017-12-23T09:52:32+00:00December 23rd, 2017|Relationships|

The New Year brings a time of reflection of the past year and choices of new ideas, goals and plans. We reassess our previous year and look toward making our life better, happier, more fulfilled in the coming year ahead. A major issue many people want to improve is ensuring they are going to be happy in their relationship. If we have experienced a year of turmoil, conflict or loneliness; [...]

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The Joy, or Irritation, of Family Christmas

By |2017-12-02T17:15:05+00:00December 2nd, 2017|Relationships|

Christmas is coming again. We reassess last years get together, hope it is repeated if it was joyful or perhaps wishing those previous issues can be avoided. We want to be excited and happy; we want to relax and enjoy, but with so many expectations upon us, presents to purchase, credit card at its limit and family members to visit; it is getting exceedingly hard. I just want to stop, [...]

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Reading Body Language can detect Lies

By |2017-11-28T17:50:55+00:00November 28th, 2017|Relationships|

Gain an insight into what people aren’t saying with these common body language cues. Article I consulted for regarding Body Language Cues. Ever wished you could read someone's mind? Well, we can't really help you there (sorry) but what we can do is help give you an insight into what people are thinking and not saying based on their body language. Remember that TV show Lie to Me or ever [...]

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5 Steps to Recover Faster from a Break Up

By |2017-11-03T13:28:33+00:00November 3rd, 2017|Relationships|

Breakups are hard. Divorce devastating. How can you recover faster and bounce back stronger? Logically we sometimes know that ending a relationship is best, but then when we add emotions into that logic, we can crash down and become confused, feel dejected, lost and alone. You may want to understand why it happened or why it ended now? Here are 5 Steps to Recover Faster from that Break-Up. There is the [...]

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12 Simple ways to show your partner your love

By |2017-10-24T18:00:56+00:00October 24th, 2017|Relationships|

Having a great relationship can mean different things to each partner. The main thing to remember is discovering what your partner finds necessary in the relationship. Once we can understand what it is how partner needs and wants from us, it is easier to fulfil that. If we proceed from our prospective, it may not work as well. While we know what it is we want and need, our partner [...]

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You Are Not Equal

By |2017-06-18T10:51:37+00:00June 18th, 2017|Relationships|

Equality - in What? Have you ever heard yourself saying things like: “Why can’t he just see how irrational he is being?” “What’s the reason he can’t understand what I mean, isn’t it obvious?” “He doesn’t realise how he sometimes offends and hurts me?” “Why can’t he listen to me the way I need?” The problem is you often expect him to think like you, a woman, but he can’t. His [...]

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Attachment Theory in Therapy Use

By |2017-05-11T07:55:26+00:00May 11th, 2017|Relationships|

Relationships are both beneficial and necessary in the human experience but the way that a person connects with or attaches to others can be linked to numerous aspects of their experience in both positive and negative manners. Attachment styles have been reported as one of the earliest elements of a person's development (Mikulincer, Shaver, & Berant, 2013). This suggests that relationship difficulties, as well as mental health issues, can be [...]

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That’s why Men and Women are different

By |2017-05-05T15:45:46+00:00May 5th, 2017|Relationships|

What Makes the Genders so Different Studies have demonstrated that men and women process thought and communicate differently, supporting the age-old 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus' saying. In contrast to their male counterparts, women are professionals at multi-tasking. They can jot down notes on what groceries to buy for dinner, plan the evening meal, remember to pick up the kids after school and get them to [...]

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Are You Involved with a Narcissist?

By |2017-04-28T17:40:17+00:00April 28th, 2017|Relationships|

The signs to look for: You might be dealing now or have previously dealt with a Narcissist. These are those partners who need to control you, to ensure you are there for them, when they want, how they want and they really ensure you do, think and behave the way they expect. If you either have a partner now or in the past and are confused as to the reason [...]

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