Learn Teen Language

By |2018-10-18T17:45:40+00:00October 18th, 2018|Parenting|

Communicating with your teen can be fraught with danger until you learn to speak teen language. It is the type of language all parents need to understand to allow good, open and informative discussion with their teenage child. Learning to speak teen is similar to learning to speak English, Spanish or Chinese, it needs to be learned. How do you speak teen? The main thing to remember is a ten [...]

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How to connect with your Teenager

By |2017-09-02T14:25:43+00:00September 2nd, 2017|Parenting|

If you have a teenager I can almost hear your frustration; if you have been through those teen years, I can see your relief. Why is it our teens seem so difficult to communicate with and manage? It is science. When we can understand how the teenage brain is developing, it can assist parents to guide and instruct rather than anger and frustration. Our teen's brains are barely 50 – [...]

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