When Sharing Parenting with the Ex

By |2017-11-13T17:17:01+00:00November 13th, 2017|Parenting|

You have separated. You have children with your ex; you have the kids living with you most of the time.How do you share the parenting? Who then is responsible for decisions, making parental choices and all those other things that parents have to manage when apart. The two of you may have different perspectives on how the children should be raised, the behaviour of the other parent, the rules the [...]

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Grandparents think their grandkids are doomed

By |2017-11-10T07:20:16+00:00November 10th, 2017|Lifestyle, Parenting|

A recent survey conducted by Australian Seniors Insurance Agency received 1,000 responses from Grandparents indicating that most were concerned with the happiness of their grandchildren's future. It was revealed in fact they believed their grandchildren were doomed: 93.8% thought parenting styles had changed for the worse 81%, or 4 out of 5 grandparents, thought their grandchild is unhappy 2 out of 3 believe they are less resilient 85% believe their grandchild is too spoilt Most believe [...]

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