Proactive Case for Couples Therapy

By |2018-10-26T17:50:36+00:00October 26th, 2018|Relationships|

Even If Your Marriage Is Happy now, many marriages are in crisis. Marriages can exacerbate mental health issues and marriage can allow you to find happiness and fulfillment. The case for proactive couples’ therapy, or counselling, is crucial. We grow up believing that marriage is happy yet filled with a degree of discord. None of us is really prepared, even those couples attending pre-marriage counselling, although it is an excellent [...]

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Dealing with the Monster-In-Law

By |2016-10-20T12:49:56+00:00October 20th, 2016|Lifestyle, Relationships|

Are we pre-destined not to get along with our Mother In Laws? While most mother-in-laws are brilliant and get along with their child’s chosen partner really well, there are some that do seem to create issues between themselves and daughter-in-laws. I see many problems come into the Counselling room generated between the mother-n-law and the sons wife. Many of the issues could have been either dissolved or negated if they [...]

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Am I marrying the perfect partner for me?

By |2016-09-04T18:00:30+00:00September 4th, 2016|Relationships|

There is a difference between getting cold feet and feeling doubtful of this major marriage decision. If your concerns are about your compatibility and understanding of your future spouse, you should take this seriously. Cold feet consist of being fearful of the day's events. Scared of things not going on the day, weather concerns, and so on. Cold feet is nothing about concern for the actual marriage to your chosen [...]

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Staying Single is Better than Getting Married, according to new study

By |2016-08-28T08:58:19+00:00August 28th, 2016|Lifestyle, Relationships|

A recent study from the University of California is saying that people who are single have more happiness and lead more fulfilling lives. It goes on to say that marriage is an expected Society requirement, and we are pressured to marry rather than remaining single, it is stereotyping us. This is also saying it is unwise even to live in a committed relationship. It apparently is telling people to stay [...]

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Dr. Karen Phillip Appears on The Ben Fordham Drive Show on 2GB Sydney

By |2016-08-25T03:06:56+00:00August 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Dr. Karen Phillip, Australia's leading Lifestyle Expert, comments in regards to the recent study done by Washington University on how holidays can kill marriages. Listen to Dr. Karen's take on the study and her advice on how to avoid these breakups. LISTEN NOW!

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Marriage Expectations

By |2016-04-10T18:25:38+00:00April 10th, 2016|Lifestyle, Relationships|

When we are about to get married or have recently married, I ask “What Marriage Expectations do you have for your relationship?’ Most of the time I get blank stares, even asked from some couples, ‘are we supposed to have one?’ Fact is, Yes, you should. Why should you? To know what it is you want and expect and to then work towards achieving it. If we have no real expectation, [...]

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