Is Homework a Dirty Word?

By |2016-05-22T12:31:04+00:00May 22nd, 2016|Parenting|

Should All Homework be Banned? Many parents complain when their child arrives home with homework to complete. I hear parents indicating that education should be taught at school they have no time to participate in homework activities with their child their child is too busy with after school activities to attend to more academic tasks after school the school is to educate their child academically And the excuses continue. Let [...]

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Can Stress Benefit Kids

By |2016-05-11T20:34:54+00:00May 11th, 2016|Parenting|

Not all stress is bad for children. A certain level of stress can teach our children resilience. Stress is part of life, often everyday life. Our body can react under stress from having to get ready for the school bus, fear of running late and getting into trouble for something, worried about standing in front of the class to present your project, or being concerned if you are going to swim [...]

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When and How to Talk to kids about Sex?

By |2016-03-13T13:52:28+00:00March 13th, 2016|Parenting, Relationships|

  Many parents struggle with this question. When do we bring it up, what age is appropriate, how do I not damage my child by giving them this intimate information? Learning about the body and then sex, is a normal part of learning. It is usually the parent that has the issue with this, not the child. How then do we address this to ensure our child is correctly informed; [...]

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Stop Interrupting Me!

By |2016-02-03T19:41:39+00:00February 3rd, 2016|Parenting, Relationships|

I was asked to write about how parents can stop their child interrupting them. I consulted on this for Essential Child. It is often a daily occurrence that can drive parents crazy. Please have a read and follow the easy steps to get the outcome you want, and have your child wait… While being interrupted is a part of life when your children are little, there comes a time when they can [...]

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Should grandparents be paid to look after their grandchildren?

By |2016-02-03T19:36:56+00:00February 3rd, 2016|Parenting, Relationships, Uncategorized|

I have done a few interviews this past week regarding Grandparents babysitting their grandchildren and the strain it can place upon them. I have attached an article below from Seniors Magazine reflecting this. Yes there are times parents need the Grandparents to assist them out with childcare however when did the responsibility leave the parent to care for their own children. When we decide to become a parent we must [...]

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How parents survive the tenacious teen years

By |2015-12-15T13:55:08+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

Raising a teen can certainly be challenging at times. Why is it they suddenly seem moody, hysterical, throw dreadful tantrums, start being sneaky around us and exclude us from their lives? Is this the beautiful child I raised and what happened? How can I speak with or treat my teen so they stay calm, focused and friendly? How can I spend time with them so they don’t feel I am [...]

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Lets Help Our Struggling Children

By |2015-12-15T13:55:08+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

We have a sad literacy rate and many children struggle to learn. This is not the teachers’ fault but can be attributed to either the lack of educational pursuits from their parents or the way the child actually learns. I know many schoolteachers, as I am sure most of us do. Yes they do an amazing job and have to tolerate belligerent parents and defiant children almost every day yet [...]

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Why Adult Kids Won’t Leave Home

By |2015-12-15T13:55:08+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

We have a new generation of adult children remaining in the family home. We ask – why won't my adult child leave home? There are a few reasons this could be occurring and reasons parents need to consider if they want their older children to move out and become independent. Parents can consider the reasons why their adult child may remain at home: I do everything for my child so [...]

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Should we Compliment Little Girls or are we damaging them?

By |2015-12-15T13:54:33+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

A young girl's mind is her greatest asset, not her clothing not how pretty she is, not even how long and beautiful her hair is. When our friends, relatives or even the older lady in the supermarket comments, "Oh you're just so pretty!" do we  question if that is an appropriate comment? Should we continue to compliment our little girls? We all say to our daughters, nieces or that cute [...]

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What happens when the Sibling Doesn’t Want the New Baby to come home?

By |2015-12-15T13:54:33+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

For most parents, breaking the news to their child that they are going to have a new baby sibling is a time of joy. And for some children, the idea that they will soon have a new baby sibling to play with fills them with excited anticipation. They love to wear their 'I'm going to be a big brother/sister' t-shirt with pride. by Jo Hartley But that's not the case [...]

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Parenting Your Spirited Child – Essential Baby

By |2015-12-15T13:54:33+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

Parenting an active child can be quite the challenge. Keeping up with them (particularly if you have another baby on the way), keeping them entertained and keeping your home in one piece all become daily battles. But above all, the biggest challenge, is dealing with the disapproving looks and comments from others. The thing about "spirited" children is that they don't stop: they are constantly whizzing about, on to the [...]

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If your pregnancy is met with negativity

By |2015-12-15T13:54:33+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

When we share the news that we're expecting a bundle of joy we usually expect a positive response. We assume that people will be happy for us – whether it is friends or family – and don't expect to get a negative response. from Essential Baby, by Jo Hartley So what happens when this isn't the case – when your news is not met with joy but, instead, if your [...]

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