Should we force our child to hug and kiss relatives

By |2018-12-19T15:10:38+00:00December 19th, 2018|Uncategorized|

For young children, one of the lessons parents are trying to teach them is that they own their body. Then the relatives arrive.  We do our best to teach them they are in charge of their own body, what is appropriate and inappropriate touch and when to vocalise when they feel uncomfortable with touch. Then Christmas arrives. There are Santa photos, relatives they may not have seen for the past [...]

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Separation is worse at Christmas

By |2017-12-10T17:01:30+00:00December 10th, 2017|Parenting|

Christmas can be one of the most stressful times of the year for separated and divorced parents. Research has indicated that one-in-five divorced parents fall out with their ex-partner every year when it comes to making arrangements for their children at Christmas. The same number believe that the process causes so much stress that it has an adverse impact on the welfare of their children. Although nearly half  of parents [...]

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Surviving the In-Laws at Xmas

By |2017-12-02T20:27:38+00:00December 2nd, 2017|Lifestyle|

Christmas is upon us again as we all prepare for that family get together. Family members we can tolerate on that once a year visit and those who may become intolerable after too much Christmas cheer. Sometimes the in-laws become a struggle for us to connect with. By the time Christmas Day arrives we are usually all slightly stressed financially, emotionally and physically. How then do we ensure a great day [...]

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The Joy, or Irritation, of Family Christmas

By |2017-12-02T17:15:05+00:00December 2nd, 2017|Relationships|

Christmas is coming again. We reassess last years get together, hope it is repeated if it was joyful or perhaps wishing those previous issues can be avoided. We want to be excited and happy; we want to relax and enjoy, but with so many expectations upon us, presents to purchase, credit card at its limit and family members to visit; it is getting exceedingly hard. I just want to stop, [...]

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Parental End of Year Burn-out

By |2016-11-26T17:55:28+00:00November 26th, 2016|Parenting|

How do we all avoid that Parental End of Year Burn-out? Towards the end of the year parents can experience a type of burn-out. No doubt the year has been busy, so much running around with the kids, running the home, looking after others, working, and the list continues. By year end we want to stop and have a break yet Christmas is upon us, so more work is needed [...]

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