Not tonight darling

By |2017-01-27T17:51:39+00:00January 27th, 2017|Relationships|

  She has withdrawn Sex because every time she shows any affection to him, it seems to be his green light to initiate sex. Sound familiar? This is often the case with so many couples as their relationship progresses and those words he hates are again heard "Not tonight darling". She then shuts down or becomes agitated because he has paid no attention to her or her needs. The night [...]

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When and How to Talk to kids about Sex?

By |2016-03-13T13:52:28+00:00March 13th, 2016|Parenting, Relationships|

  Many parents struggle with this question. When do we bring it up, what age is appropriate, how do I not damage my child by giving them this intimate information? Learning about the body and then sex, is a normal part of learning. It is usually the parent that has the issue with this, not the child. How then do we address this to ensure our child is correctly informed; [...]

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