How To Wean Your Child Off Excessive Technology

By |2017-10-11T20:13:21+00:00October 11th, 2017|Parenting|

Article I write for Rescu They are everywhere – mobile phones, tablets, computers, televisions. Every parent seems to have the same concern and complaint – How do I get my kids off or away from their device? The younger the child, the easier it is. Setting standards when young is always best practice. It is about setting the standards rather than telling them what to do. Kids mimic, that is [...]

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Digital Detox

By |2016-06-08T15:06:39+00:00June 8th, 2016|Lifestyle, Relationships|

We are in a world of technology that is here to stay. Do we need to Digitally Detox? In the past ten years, we have made more advancement in technology than the advancement of anything on earth, ever. It has swept us up so fast how are we coping, are we coping and what issues is it presenting? Boundaries are needed for all human beings otherwise anarchy will reign. Technology [...]

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