Wedding Guest List – Now that can be tricky!!!

What is a Wedding – It is the life commitment ceremony between the bride and groom, shared with their family and friends. It is an event to unite all members of both families so they get to know each other.

The wedding guest list can often be a struggle when trying to fit in all the people you want to attend and those you feel should attend. How do you pre-empt this to avoid as many problems as you can and keep everyone happy?
The first thing to do is figure out between you both (the bride and groom), the size of your wedding and who you may want to come. Then calculate what guest numbers you may have left and then figure out who you wish to ask to fill those positions. Remember it is customary for parents to pay for your wedding so they may want a say in regards to numbers, venue and size. This is especially important if the budget is limited.
What I suggest is that when you first create your guest list ensure you include the absolute necessary people to attend. Work out the finances of how many people you can actually afford to attend. Then start from there. Speak to both sets of parents who are most likely paying for the wedding. They may want a say?
Once you have your number of places to fill due to finances or venue, you can start doing your full list. I strongly suggest you work with both sets of parents on the list ensuring your preferences go first for those to include and exclude.
If you have a large family and you are only able to invite some of them or simply do not want them all attending, discuss this with your parents. Come up with an alternative so some of them won’t be too upset they are not on the wedding list. You may find you need to explain to those relatives you are limited by money or the size of venue, that you would love to have them all but simply are unable to invite everyone.
As the alternative, you could invite them to a dinner a couple of weeks prior to the wedding where they can all attend, pay for their own meal and you or parents put some wine and beer on the tables so they feel less ignore
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