The Scientific Reason for Child Tantrums

By |2020-10-25T06:49:39+00:00October 25th, 2020|Parenting|

There is a Scientific reason for child tantrums? Imagine, your child, or any little one, frustrated, yelling, screaming, dropping to the floor and roll around thrashing their arms, often kicking or hitting if you come close to help calm or stop the tantrum. There is a scientific reason for the child's tantrum.  Nothing works, your child continues to tantrum, perhaps even escalating when you try to calm them or intervene. [...]

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Family Meals Matter More Than You Realise

By |2019-08-30T05:54:26+00:00August 30th, 2019|Parenting|

It seems more challenging these days with our ridiculously busy lives to have the opportunity to eat a family meal together. What if you knew the essential reasons to ensure this occurs. Finding the time isn't always easy. The family dinner doesn't just allow us all to be present and together and fill our stomach, it provides the opportunity to talk, share, laugh and check-in; it nurtures our family spirit, [...]

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Embedding our precious memories

By |2018-06-18T14:58:58+00:00June 18th, 2018|Parenting, Relationships|

Can you remember when you last held your baby in your arms, the feel of them, their smell, their sounds? Article I wrote for Mums Delivery - on page 4 Our children grow so quickly. While we have a loving, tender memories of them when they are babies over time those memories become something we are looking at, from a distance. As a new mum we can recall these memories [...]

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How to Stop Shopping Tantrums

By |2015-12-15T13:54:33+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

How to Stop Shopping Tantrums A recent UK survey found that one in six parents cave to their child's demands when out shopping.  How then do we stop shopping tantrums our children display? The survey showed that of those that give in, four out of five give snacks that go against what they would normally consider healthy. Three quarters brought a beauty or toiletry product, and seven out of 10 purchased [...]

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Children’s Use of Social Media

By |2015-12-15T13:54:33+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

Children's Use of Social Media Posts and online activities of the young often reflect attitudes and errors of judgment that are immature. Yet, these leave a public record that may prove difficult to escape. So what do we do about children's use of social media? Similarly, children often don't understand how their actions and information may be recorded and shared online, and so willingly tick boxes giving permission to do so. [...]

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Why Teen Friendships Don’t Last

By |2015-12-15T13:54:33+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

Why Teen Friendships Don't Last ? A new study has indicated that the chance of your child's teen friendships lasting through high school is pretty slim. It shows why teen friendships don't last. Researchers at Florida Atlantic University decided to investigate why teen relationships tend to be short-lived. The strongest predictors of friendship dissolution were differences in sex, differences in the degree to which children were liked by other children, differences [...]

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What happens when the Sibling Doesn’t Want the New Baby to come home?

By |2015-12-15T13:54:33+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

For most parents, breaking the news to their child that they are going to have a new baby sibling is a time of joy. And for some children, the idea that they will soon have a new baby sibling to play with fills them with excited anticipation. They love to wear their 'I'm going to be a big brother/sister' t-shirt with pride. by Jo Hartley But that's not the case [...]

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Stop Smacking Children

By |2015-12-15T13:53:52+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

Parents should stop smacking children and learn better ways to deal with behaviours. There is always much debate how we can work at stop smacking children. While I never believe that smacking a child teaches them better behaviour I question the reason so many parents continue to do this to their beautiful little child. Children are only learning how to be a person in this life and this is created by guidance and [...]

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One question you should never need to ask …

By |2015-12-15T13:53:52+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

One question you should never need to ask - is Immunisation essential? The debate about should I or shouldn't I vaccinate my children has again surfaced. I wonder why. Why is the one question we should never need to ask about Immunisation? With the exhaustive amount of proof and research demonstrating the benefits of immunisation against the virtually no negative I continue to question - why do loving parents refuse to [...]

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Our Kids the Most Drugged in the World

By |2015-12-15T13:53:15+00:00December 15th, 2015|Lifestyle, Parenting, Relationships|

Australian Kids are among the Most Drugged in the World as seen on Today Tonight With children as young as 2 years old being prescribed anti-depressants what are we doing to our children? Watch the story on Today Tonight and find out more about these alarming figures.

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Could we all benefit from parenting lessons?

By |2015-12-15T13:53:15+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

Could we all benefit from Parenting Lessons? A UK professor has called for all parents to be offered state funded classes in how to bring up their families by asking could we all benefit from Parenting Lessons? In an interview with the Telegraph, Prof John Ashton, President of the UK Faculty of Public Health, said "We need to give children a good start in life. Parenting is the most important [...]

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What do we do when one parent says Yes and the other parent says No to the child?

By |2015-12-15T13:53:15+00:00December 15th, 2015|Parenting, Relationships|

By Dr Karen Phillip What do we do as parents when mum and dad seem to have different rules, boundaries and ideas about how to raise the children? When one parent is relaxed allowing the child to do what they wish and the other parent wishes to raise their child with clear boundaries and consequences, hoping they learn to conform and fit in with society expectations? This is a common [...]

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