So you cheated, now what?

By |2018-06-05T08:45:23+00:00June 5th, 2018|Relationships, Virtual Hypnotherapy|

So you cheated on your partner, now what? You can't change it or take it back. Do you tell your partner or not? Was it a mistake? Should you leave or stay? These are the questions I get asked by people that have cheated on their partners. From both men and women (did you know the statistics tell us that almost the same amount of women cheat as men?). For [...]

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Recover from PTSD

By |2018-04-18T18:00:11+00:00April 18th, 2018|Virtual Hypnotherapy|

Most of us have heard of Post-Traumatic Stress (Disorder), but did you know it is something many people suffer? It has been found that Hypnotherapy could be the answer to recover from PTSD. What is PTSD exactly? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a reaction that can develop in people who have been through or witnessed a traumatic event.  This event felt like your life, safety or the life of others [...]

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Finally Achieve Your New Year Resolution

By |2017-12-30T12:42:30+00:00December 30th, 2017|Lifestyle, Virtual Hypnotherapy|

We all make them, we just don't usually keep them The most common New Year resolutions people make, yet often fail to keep are: Lose weight Stop Smoking Become fitter and healthier Relieve my anxiety and relax more Get out of debt, start saving money Reduce the amount of alcohol I consume Find a better job I like with  more money Organise myself and my life better The reason so [...]

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How to Relieve your Pain

By |2016-12-02T06:00:41+00:00December 2nd, 2016|Virtual Hypnotherapy|

Pain affects people every day. It doesn’t discriminate with age, gender or cultural background; it is a worldwide issue, and numbers of sufferers are escalating. It can ruin your life. Chronic pain affects almost 30 percent of Australians, which means that at any given time nearly three out of ten people are suffering from pain (Stollznow Research for Pfizer Australia, 2010). If we look at adults only then it is [...]

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Should I go back?

By |2016-11-11T18:01:31+00:00November 11th, 2016|Lifestyle, Relationships, Virtual Hypnotherapy|

 Is it normal to want to go back? If we have made the decision to leave that awful relationship, it can become extremely frustrating when as the weeks go by we find ourselves questioning our decision. We may wonder if we should have left that relationship, did I bail too soon, should we have tried harder and should I go back and retry, perhaps again. The thoughts of reconciliation are completely normal after you [...]

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Balanced pH needed for successful Weight Loss

By |2016-08-28T17:57:54+00:00August 28th, 2016|Lifestyle, Virtual Hypnotherapy|

A correct pH balance is essential for the health of our body and crucial to obtain the weight loss we want. Doctors stress the importance of pH because a balanced pH protects us from the inside out. They advise that disease is less able to develop in a body whose pH is in balance. When the body is acidic, it retains body fat to protect itself. It is more difficult to [...]

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Mental illness or Emotional Disorder?

By |2016-04-24T16:03:21+00:00April 24th, 2016|Lifestyle, Virtual Hypnotherapy|

How do we define the difference between the two, and is there really a difference? We seem to label everything these days as a mental illness. The definition of a mental illness is a serious disorder in a person's behaviour or thinking. An emotional disorder affects a person’s daily functioning. The Mayo Clinic defines mental illness as disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include [...]

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How To Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick

By |2015-12-15T13:53:15+00:00December 15th, 2015|Lifestyle, Relationships, Virtual Hypnotherapy|

What Everyone Should Know… About How To Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick! The New Year is the time we reassess our position and make a committed effort to change or improve ourselves or life. Early in the new year is the time when we can look at past issues and decide we will no longer tolerate the same behaviours of others or even ourselves. The New Year is a [...]

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