When you’re dealing with the aftermath of a breakup, everyone will have an opinion on how best get over it. Your parents will remind you there are “other fish in the sea”, your friends will encourage you to get over your ex by getting yourself a diversion for the night, taking you out and getting you too drunk to remember him. While your friends and family mean well their actions and advice may be prolonging your
How do I respond to a friend who has lost their child or family member? I recently discovered a little boy who attended the childcare centre I once owned died from cancer. He was only four years old. The last word was he was doing well and hopeful of a complete recovery. The news clearly devastated everyone. I haven’t had anything to do with the families or business for some months now since selling, but
Are we pre-destined not to get along with our Mother In Laws? While most mother-in-laws are brilliant and get along with their child’s chosen partner really well, there are some that do seem to create issues between themselves and daughter-in-laws. I see many problems come into the Counselling room generated between the mother-n-law and the sons wife. Many of the issues could have been either dissolved or negated if they had known some basic rules
When Would You Step In
Category: Parenting
When is Discipline Abuse? There was a recent picture that went viral on social media showing a frustrated father dragging his 6-year-old daughter around the supermarket by her hair as he held onto his shopping trolley. A fellow female customer apparently challenged the father to release the grip on his daughter. He told her it was none of her business and he would discipline his daughter as he the parent felt appropriate. She snapped a
There is a difference between getting cold feet and feeling doubtful of this major marriage decision. If your concerns are about your compatibility and understanding of your future spouse, you should take this seriously. Cold feet consist of being fearful of the day’s events. Scared of things not going on the day, weather concerns, and so on. Cold feet is nothing about concern for the actual marriage to your chosen partner. If we are hesitant
Humanising the Workplace
Category: Lifestyle, Relationships
Communication problems are one of the main issues that impede a work relationship and adversely affect business. When management and colleagues learn to manage these communication problems and find a way to really improve their communication style it can alleviate workplace problems, conflict and arguments. We must Humanise our workplace to ensure workers are happy and productive. It is the responsibility of management and leaders in business to ensure the work environment is comfortable,
A correct pH balance is essential for the health of our body and crucial to obtain the weight loss we want. Doctors stress the importance of pH because a balanced pH protects us from the inside out. They advise that disease is less able to develop in a body whose pH is in balance. When the body is acidic, it retains body fat to protect itself. It is more difficult to lose weight when the pH
Staying Single is Better than Getting Married, according to new study
Category: Lifestyle, Relationships
A recent study from the University of California is saying that people who are single have more happiness and lead more fulfilling lives. It goes on to say that marriage is an expected Society requirement, and we are pressured to marry rather than remaining single, it is stereotyping us. This is also saying it is unwise even to live in a committed relationship. It apparently is telling people to stay single and alone without a
Take the Time
Category: Lifestyle
Maybe we need to take some time to stop Many of us grew up without wealth and rooms filled with toys. We grew up with parents that loved us, spent time with us, helped us and taught us. We may have shared a room with a sibling, visited the grandparents or extended family often, rode our bike, played with balls and did some fun after school or weekend sport. We may not have had brand name
Dr. Karen Phillip, Australia’s leading Lifestyle Expert, comments in regards to the recent study done by Washington University on how holidays can kill marriages. Listen to Dr. Karen’s take on the study and her advice on how to avoid these breakups. LISTEN NOW! https://karenphillip.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23.08.16-Dr-Karen-Phillip-Seasonal-Divorces.wav Share this:
A recent study released by Washington University indicated the divorce rate spikes after couples return from a holiday. There are a number of reasons this occurs. I would, however, like to assure you all you will not necessarily break-up after coming home from your wonderful holiday. The reason this conclusion was reached would have been due to many couples already experiencing relationship distress. Often they will go away on a holiday in a bid to
Healing Fractured Families
Category: Lifestyle, Relationships
How do we heal our fractured family? While family disagreements are normal from time to time, it can be difficult on all family members when there is ongoing conflict among one or two individuals. It can lead to feelings of hurt, stress and serious anxiety if problems are not addressed in a peaceful way.This expert advice from relationship counsellors can help you deal with a painful family rift. According to the government’s Family Relationships Online some of