anxiety free
How would you like to reduce your anxiety fast? Anxiety refers to the physical and or mental response to the sensations of feeling under pressure, overwhelmed, or fearful of circumstances that are yet to occur, a negative future projection. It can immobilise you, prevent you from living a full life and damage your health in significant ways. But there is now a fast way to reduce these anxiety symptoms. What Anxiety Feels Like The impact

How Narcissists use ‘Mind Control’ in Relationships 

Posted by Karen Phillip on  May 17, 2022
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Category: Relationships
Research has revealed that our brains are affected by those around us. Narcissistic mind control is most conspicuous when one person in the relationship makes the decisions and gets their needs met more often than their partner. When partners interact with each other, their brain activity becomes synchronised. The longevity and intensity of your relationship can affect the degree of synchronicity and influence one partner has over the other. Brain synchrony between partners activates two
Communication Harmony

The Art of Conversational Success

Posted by Karen Phillip on  May 7, 2022
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Category: Educational
Communication Harmony hits the bestseller list. It’s a brilliant book on the Art of Conversational Success Many training colleges now use the Communication Harmony book as part of their teaching texts for therapists, teaching the art of conversational success and improved communication skills. Communication Harmony was initially written for individuals and couples to learn the three secret power words and NLP techniques. Designed to teach people how to de-escalate conflict in every conversation through the

Are Relationships in Business as Essential as Experts Say?

Posted by Karen Phillip on  December 21, 2021
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Category: Lifestyle
A recent article in BusinessToday stated that relationships are the most important thing in business. We have likely heard this previously, but what exactly does this mean – relationships in business? Does that mean hard work, profits, and customers are less important than our business relationships? Within any business, we usually have staff, customers, and suppliers. Healthy relationships are needed to have a functional and profitable business and continued business growth. We know if staff

Should we Insist our Children Hug the Relatives this Christmas?

Posted by Karen Phillip on  December 6, 2021
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Category: Parenting
Should we insist our children hug the relatives this Christmas? This festive season is unlike any other. Due to COVID, many of our kids have not seen their extended family and relatives for many months, even years. Of course, the relatives, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins are genuinely excited to see, hug, and hold their little family member. Insisting they hug them when first seeing them? The Right of the Child What about the right of

The Reality of Separation

Posted by Karen Phillip on  September 5, 2021
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Category: Uncategorized
You are in a long-term relationship, then bang – you separate. Once happy and connected. Perhaps kids have arrived, financial pressures building, family demands mounting, maybe an imbalance at home and child-rearing duties. You start to think, is this my life? Am I happy and fulfilled? What am I doing? The reality of separation arrives. The reality Separation becomes more of a reality in your mind. But before you take that giant step, there are a

How do we journey through loss, grief and anxiety?

Posted by Karen Phillip on  August 25, 2021
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Category: Lifestyle
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When we suffer loss or grief, that can lead to anxiety or defeat, how can we manage to come through it as best we can. The point here is we can come through it, even though at times we feel we never will.  We human beings are incredibly resilient; we sometimes forget that as we can become so engrossed in the problem we currently face while sometimes feeling we can never feel ‘normal’ or ‘happy’
Happy workplace
Workplace wellness is a great way to encourage healthy living among employees to create a thriving workplace environment. We know the healthier and happier our employees are, the more productive they are. They also take far less stress and sick leave, leaving the workplace functioning at the optimal level. Encouraging or even challenging staff to be healthier in mind and body can be contagious as staff see work colleagues benefit from their renewed lifestyle choices.

Strategies for Managing those Panic Attacks

Posted by Karen Phillip on  January 22, 2021
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Category: Lifestyle
What are the Strategies for Managing those Panic Attacks? Learn what a Panic Attack actually is and how to control or eliminate them. It is crucial you understand what is happening in your body when you feel anxious and start to enter into a panic. These panic attacks commence due to a feeling of anxiety. Anxiety is a normal feeling within all humans as it helps us focus on a specific task or prepare us for

The Secret to Happier Relationships

Posted by Karen Phillip on  January 2, 2021
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Category: Relationships
Over 170 relationship studies were investigated, and findings suggest that nurturing this characteristic may be the secret to a happier relationship. We all seek to know the secret to a happy and healthy relationship. Healthy relationships support psychological well-being, physical health and help create happiness and purpose in each of us. Knowing what changes, you can make can help improve your relationship regardless of how good or bad it currently feels. The health of our
Happy couple relationship
We complain, we become hurt, yet we still don’t understand the psychology behind why our relationships fail. We have all likely read how to make a relationship work. Trust, attention, quality time spent together, consideration and respect. Is it so hard to be all these things for the person you say you so love? Why then do so many relationships fail and are there a set of standard failure reasons? The reason is Psychological Inflexibility.

How to Sustain and Improve your Happiness and Immunity

Posted by Karen Phillip on  November 28, 2020
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Category: Lifestyle
Download these 4 Hormones every day to increase and sustain your feelings of happiness. These hormones also considerably improve your immunity. Four hormones can determine your happiness Endorphins, Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin. It is essential we understand these hormones, as we need all four of them to stay happy. Getting them each day greatly improves our life, immunity and level of happiness. Endorphins When we exercise, the body releases Endorphins. This hormone releases as we are
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